first floor,teachers office

teachers' office first floor

选出正确答案. where is the library? it's on the first floor.

正解:英式英语里,first floor是二层,一层是ground floor.

first floor 到底是不是一楼?为什么有人说是二楼?

first floor
- teachers office
- second floor
- music room
- playgroud
- library
- computer room
- first是什么意思
- firstfloor
- firstclass
- secondfloor
- firstarrow\\'s
- safetyfirst
- floorjansen
- firstlove
- firstblood
- ladyfirst
- firstkiss
- floorjansen老公
- first
- firstsecond
- floorjansen图片
- firstaid
- FirstAnuwat
- first怎么读
- firstblood表情包
- firstkiss吉他谱
- first缩写
- 假面骑士thefirst
- first图标
- first酒吧