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塔罗牌seven of swords,塔罗牌four of swords

奈妃特芮塔罗牌 - nefertari"s tarot - 宝剑骑士 - knight of swords
奈妃特芮塔罗牌 - nefertari's tarot - 宝剑骑士 - knight of swords权杖七 seven of wands 正位
权杖七 seven of wands 正位哥特塔罗 - the gothic tarot - 宝剑国王 - king of swords
哥特塔罗 - the gothic tarot - 宝剑国王 - king of swords今日塔罗牌:seven of wands/the hermit/king of cups 过度情绪化会
今日塔罗牌:seven of wands/the hermit/king of cups 过度情绪化会杭州新通托福培训_【看美剧学英语】塔罗牌里的托福词汇