renal artery,renal corpuscle

human body anatomy with all parts including adrenal gland artery

《effects of renal artery stenosis on realistic model of


artery 银色镜面齿状耳环(单颗)

prevalence of renal artery and kidney abnormalities by computed
- renal corpuscle
- renal tubule
- bowman\\'s capsule
- renal vein
- urinary bladder
- superior vena cava
- femoral artery
- inferior vena cava
- renal pelvis
- azygos vein
- thoracic duct
- hepatic vein
- femoral
- axillary artery
- renalartery
- axillaryartery
- coronaryartery
- peronealartery
- femoralartery
- renalmedulla
- celiacartery
- cysticartery
- pulmonaryartery
- carotidartery
- radialartery
- splenicartery
- renalvein
- renalpyramid
- renalpelvis
- adrenalgland