Queen of pentacles,the tower

the queen of spades, op. 68 柴可夫斯基《黑桃皇后》,作品第68号


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- the tower
- page of pentacles
- the hermit
- queen of swords
- queen of wands
- king of cups
- king of pentacles
- ace of cups
- queen of cups
- the wheel of fortune
- the hierophant
- three of swords
- queen of hearts
- page of swords
- page of wands塔罗牌
- ace of pentacles
- nine of cups
- the devil
- ten of pentacles
- knight of pentacles
- page of wands
- nine of wands
- knight of swords
- queenofspades
- queenofswords
- queenofcups
- queenofwands
- thequeenof
- queenofhearts
- queenof