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two of pentacles,page of pentacles

小熊塔罗牌 - gummy bear tarot - 钱币十 - ten of pentacles
小熊塔罗牌 - gummy bear tarot - 钱币十 - ten of pentacles哥特塔罗 - the gothic tarot - 钱币a - ace of pentacles
哥特塔罗 - the gothic tarot - 钱币a - ace of pentacles钱币二two of pentacles
钱币二two of pentaclesqueering the tarot   two of pentacles
queering the tarot two of pentacles小熊塔罗牌 - gummy bear tarot - 钱币侍从 - page of pentacles
小熊塔罗牌 - gummy bear tarot - 钱币侍从 - page of pentacles