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first premolar 第一前磨牙 canine / cuspid 尖牙 lateral incisor
first premolar 第一前磨牙 canine / cuspid 尖牙 lateral incisor牙体解剖:前牙,前磨牙,磨牙 上颌中切牙(central incisor)微呈长方形
牙体解剖:前牙,前磨牙,磨牙 上颌中切牙(central incisor)微呈长方形热门: incisor tooth broken
热门: incisor tooth broken预订 a study of relation of mandibular incisor to th
预订 a study of relation of mandibular incisor to th医学 系统解剖学 正文  7.中切牙central incisor  8.
医学 系统解剖学 正文 7.中切牙central incisor 8.